~ The Seasons Of Our Lives ~
Ecclesiastes 3: 1 ~ 8
" To every thing there is a Season,
and a time to every purpose under the Heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew;
a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate;
a time of war, and a time of peace. "
(some things are capitalized merely for emphasis on them)
Have you ever noticed what we can hear God saying to us in the midst of our day? A believing and thankful heart is a well spring of blessing, insight and ideas. It doesn't even matter where you are, what you are doing, or who is or isn't around. God is! Wonderful Jesus! So now, just sit back and relax and let Him minister to you in this heart-to-heart talk about the Seasons of our lives.
Yesterday it was a beautiful, balmy and Sunny day. While I was out walking with our pup, looking, smelling, and sooo thankful for my 5 senses and for Father, I looked around me at the plant life as I listened to geese fly overhead and watched birds fly over the pond with a fountain in the center of it. Wonderful fresh air to smell with able body to get out to enjoy it, and thanking Him for it all. This message all started with a tree.
I've heard it said that if you see leaves still hanging on trees in the Winter season, that it will be a short one and not very cold at all. Well now, at this time we have many such trees. New life will soon erupt on them, pushing off the dead leaves from Winter to bring forth a beautiful new tree for Spring and Summer.
If you look around you on a Winter day, everything 'appears' to be dead. Nothing is flourishing with buds or blooms. They are 'resting' for awhile. Where there was gorgeous green grass all around them with vibrant shades of green shrubbery and leaves on them, it is now all brownish and dead looking in many areas.
Circumstances in our lives can look this way too. Like all is dormant or dead and without hope. This is a Winter Season in our lives. You know, it could be the loss of someone dear to you, grief in some other form, stressful things that try your patience and faith in God above. Or, it could be a bad report on your health or your job. Anything or anyone which produces pain, fear or discontentment, calling on us to pray to God for His way through it, is a Winter season in our life.
Dear heart, I want you to know that it isn't what is or isn't happening with you just now that is as important to you and God, as 'how' you handle it and yourself in the midst of it.
Winter seasons in our lives is our opportunity to use our faith in God; stretch and grow into His attributes and activity. Thus, like the tree with the dead leaves, new life springs forth pushing out and away from us the dead and old carnal self-destructive attitudes and habits we've had. God is in the changing business. This is His 'busyness'. Seasons...are...changes and opportunities coming forth to us.
Everyone is dealing with something one way or another that calls on all their trust in God and their own faculties. We humans each have our own share of good and bad; easy and hard times; happy and sad. Life is just like that.
We are born first ~ not able to be seen in liquid, at conception. Then, after the miracle of living inside our mother, we come forth to breathe God's own good air and to learn to develop and be strong apart from her body's nourishment we previously experienced. Change. Birth is a Season as is Death, as the Scripture above says.
Spring brings forth beautiful Resurrection Life!
(Like a new and seasoned Christian's heart, spirit and lifestyle)
Beautiful buds are coming on the trees, some smooth, some will have fuzzy or waxy leaves. Vibrant colors are returning on all the shrubs, trees, and flowers are pushing through the stubborn sod of the past Winter with new life and blooms. Everything exudes its own fragrance. Praise The Lord!
The Rains are coming forth to green-up the grass and the squirrels and birds are producing babies. We hear their beautiful variety of sounds along with enjoying the vibrant and unique colors each type displays to us. Things weren't hopeless or dead after all. We are blessed!
God is sending the Wind out of His treasuries as Scripture tells us :
Psalms 135: 7
"He causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth;
He maketh Lightnings for the Rain;
He bringeth the Wind out of His treasuries. "
Summer presents everything in bloom and well nurtured with the balance of God's own fresh air, His sunlight and the soil to make all strong.
We smell the fresh mown grass that has returned into a vibrant green.
Everything is going along nice and easy ~ doing what comes naturally. Nature speaks to us ~ that all is well beneath the soil too, that we don't see. It's like the Wind. We can't see it, however, we do see the effects of it on the water, the leaves of a tree, our hair and clothes on the line.
All is well.
Fall calls forth the coolness and breezes of the season with gorgeously painted leaves from God's own unique and special artistry. He colors it all as only He can. Thank You, Father. :)
The sound of the leaves as we scurry through them brings such joy of heart. I just love to run through them with our pup. And all too soon, their unique fall-like smell will pass away, as do they. All in preparation for another Winter.
It is such a blessing to seek and find just the right hue of color for each leaf for us to bring home with us. We like to place them on our end table to enjoy each time we pass by. A bit of Heaven in our home that makes us smile and thank Father again and again.

For most of my life, I dreaded Fall. It affected me like everything was going to die and not produce good stuff to enjoy. My favorite Season had always been Spring because of all the wonderful new life of buds, flowers, fragrances and colors that come forth. Ive always loved watching the freedom, joy and productivity of the birds. They are extremely busy chattering as they flit and fly about here and there making their nests for their babies soon to come. All the animals, year around, are so industrious and busy taking care of their self. Of course, God made them, and us, so we know how best to plan and take care of our self and our future too. And did you ever notice, very rare is it that one will yell at or fight against another? Harmony. That is God's nature and His plan for people as well. We can learn a lot about Him in the things He has created. Bible says that. Very true..and how joyous and free they are as they gather nuts, eat the plant life, or see someone passing by with their pretty sounds all says, 'God made us. God loves us. He made us to be happy, active and free. So, enjoy 'this' day!' :)
In summary dear heart, the thing for us to know in our hearts is that God is with us through it all. We who believe in, love and follow Him and His Word, He promised never to forsake us....nor, to leave us. He is and comes to us with all that we shall ever need in this life. Regardless of the Season. He loves and cares for us. He knows it all; He sees what we cannot at any given time. He sees our future.
And if you are a dear soul reading this that doesn't know Jesus in a close abiding 'relationship with Him' day-by-day yet......Jesus understands you too. We've all been there, where you are just now. We all have come to the time and times of crossroads in our lives where we have the choice to look up and out, or up and within and say 'Yes Jesus, here I am. Have Your way in my heart...in my life and forgive me where I've sinned against You.' And, there you goooooooo.....you and Jesus are an unbeatable team. Each day, get into His Word and let His Spirit 'touch' you as you read it slow. If you've never read the Bible, start in the Gospel of John and read about how He says 'I Am'. Then, read on into the New Testament daily, thinking on it, and apply it to you...what He says. You..are a beautiful work in progress with your Saviour Jesus Christ. Follow Him by doing what agrees with His teachings. He'll never lead you into anything wrong or sinful.
Speaking further, in closing, about seasons of our life ~ it is expedient that I mention the senior years of which many of us find our self in. Yes, this is another Season of our life that calls on us to deal with things that we never had to deal with before. Fact is that we never get done learning, growing up, evolving and changing. Our seasons produce something in each of us that the world around us will read very well. Seasons pass. Please enjoy each one of them while you may. And do go outdoors and enjoy them with your 5 senses and the health God has given you. Seize the day! Shalom.
Out In The Fields With God
"The little cares that fretted me
I lost them yesterday
Among the Fields, above the Sea
Among the Winds at play,
Among the lowing of the Herds,
The rustling of the Trees,
Among the singing of the Birds,
The humming of the Bees.
The foolish Fears of what might happen,
I cast them all away,
Among the Clover-scented Grass,
Among the new-mown Hay,
Among the husking of the Corn,
Where drowsy Poppies nod.
Where Ill Thoughts die and good are born ~ ~
Out in the Fields with God. "
~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning
" Kind words toward those you daily meet,
Kind words and actions right,
Will make this Life of ours most Sweet,
Turn darkness into Light. "
~ Isaac Watts
Thank you for coming by today and do come back soon.
In Gratitude For This Precious Artistry Set
(her site is closed now)
Script Used For The Animated Heart is Courtesy of Altan
The Beautiful Music Playing is Entitled, Your Love Comes Tumbling Down